Getting started

  • Review our Services for examples of the type of support typically on offer.

    Hoping for some type of support that isn’t listed?
    Get in touch - we’re keen to help where possible.

  • Every journey at Find Your Feet starts with a free online chat (typically via Zoom) which can be booked via our Contact page. We will discuss your bespoke goals/support needs, our confidentiality policies, and general fit for working together. If you are looking for a service that is not listed, this meeting is also a great opportunity to discuss further.

  • Within 3 business days after our initial chat, we will send you a Draft Personalised Support Package, which will outline the support discussed in our initial meeting, and include a quote for our services.

    There is no obligation at this stage. We will work together to amend your support package until we are all in agreement and ready to move forward with your finalised package.

  • Once your Personalised Support Package is finalised and has been signed by all parties, we will begin to support you as arranged. It’s that simple!