Our clients

At Find Your Feet Student Coaching, there is no such thing as a "typical client."

We understand that every student is different and has their own set of challenges and goals. That's why we tailor our support to offer a customised experience that addresses your unique circumstances.

Embracing diversity

Respect and individuality are paramount at Find Your Feet. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive organisation that deeply values equality and diversity. Our staff approach every student without preconceptions or assumptions, treating each person we encounter with dignity and understanding.

Two decades of experience

Our staff have experience of working with vastly diverse student cohorts from around the globe, including:

  • Students with time management and organisation difficulties (executive dysfunction)

  • Neurodivergent students, such as those with ADHD, autism, dyspraxia, dyslexia, etc.

  • Students with disabilities, mental health challenges, and/or long term illnesses

  • English as a second language students who would like help navigating a new culture

  • Shy or introverted students who need a supportive environment to build confidence

  • Mature students who are feeling daunted about beginning or returning to studies

Guiding your academic journey

Whether you are a domestic student navigating the complexities of university life, or an international student adjusting to a new environment, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Let us help you make the most of your academic journey and empower you to succeed. Together we’ll navigate the challenges and ensure your time as a student is fulfilling and rewarding.

View our services for more information about the ways we support students. If you have any questions about our services please do not hesitate to contact us.