Hi, I’m Stephanie

Welcome! I’m Stephanie Levene (she/her), Founder of Find Your Feet Student Coaching.

I coach and support students in higher education who are looking for ways to “hit the ground running” so that they can level up their academic experience. Whether you are studying in London for the first time, or a seasoned student who is seeking structure and confidence to improve your academic performance, I am here to help.

“I am an award-winning student support professional with 22+ years of experience working in top ranked universities in both the UK and the USA.”

Professional highlights

  • MA with Distinction in Higher and Professional Education from UCL Institute of Education (UK)

  • Trained teacher with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Elementary Education (History concentration) from Niagara University, (USA)

  • 10 years working in student support roles at the University of Iowa MBA Programmes. Awarded “Staff Member of the Year” by students - twice!

  • Manager in student facing roles for over 12 years at the world-renowned London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Awarded Excellent in Education and Excellent Manager (Runner-up) awards

  • Learn more on Stephanie’s LinkedIn page

Stephanie’s Journey

Growing up in a small, rural town in the USA…

…the idea of someday thriving in a bustling metropolis felt like a distance dream. I was painfully shy and I battled homesickness and anxiety when I first set off for uni. Seeing my apparently confident classmates, I felt alone. As the first in my family to pursue higher education, I felt I had nowhere to go for advice.

Despite nearly giving up several times, I persevered. I developed skills for mastering time management and built a lifelong network of friends and colleagues. My determination birthed a passion: helping students to remove barriers. This is how my career in higher education began.

A decade later, I was given the opportunity to study again…

…this time a Master’s degree in London. I naively thought moving to the UK would be easy. After all, English is my first language and I had been helping students for years to acclimate to their studies. Yet, culture shock hit hard, revealing the complexities of settling in a new country. Academic differences were broader than I had expected, and I longed for guidance through every step.

Through my work with countless students, I realised that my experiences were far from unique.

Enter Find Your Feet Student Coaching. I founded this platform to guide students through their higher education journey, helping them navigate challenges and discover their potential.

Why work with me?

Imagine a mentor who not only understands the unique hurdles that come with studying in a new environment, but also brings a genuine and uplifting spirit to your experience.

I’m that mentor — friendly, approachable, and always ready to share a laugh. I blend reliability with a down-to-earth nature that instantly puts you at ease. Working with me isn’t just about achieving goals; it’s about enjoying the process.

Students often liken their experience with me to having a trusted aunt by their side - someone who offers unwavering support and valuable guidance. Let’s make your journey memorable, filled with growth, and the assurance that you have a dedicated ally in your corner.